ALGIE n KEMPS.......

Calton Chronicals

Calton Photos...

Calton Socialite Society...............

Calton Sports Stars

Calton Fighting Men

San Toi Re-united

Calton..Gone but not forgotten

Auld  Calton Toon..Photos

Calton Dames

Personal Tributes..James Lee

History of Calton

Calton Dames

Calton fighting men

Nobody that i have asked can seemto go any futher back in time than the Algie Earns "Era",i don't think KEMP
would be too happy about me calling this the
"Algie school of knock out merchants",
but then again ,i heard that Algie could Set Aboot Kemp,
they say Kemp was more of a chib-man.
Anyway i haven't bothered to separate
the chib-men from the KO brigade...
again , people are going to disagree that the characters listed on this page couldn't fight sleep.
But the point of this page is not to highlight who was the numero uno , it's more just to highlight  Those who could have a dash , or those who couldn't  help but have a dash. CAPITO.

  I can only go back as far as Kemp n Algie ....ok , i can hear you say   that  the Tongs only formed in the 60s ........we know that ......but from now on in all and anybody who ever came from the Calton is a Tong ..OK.

Let me start with who i can remember.........Big  Tam...( well he has got some pair of Shoulders)... noted for his Boxing ability.. His .brother could also have a dash, but was more noted as a  black belt at verbal assault.......( By the way lads please do not be thinkin' about Suing me i  haven,t  got 2 coins  to rub together , and if your going to set about me you,ll have to come over to Bondi Beach to get me)........board and lodgings provided....providing you change your mind about assaulting yours truly.

  As you all know , they say that the Original Tongs were borne after an oriental movie that was shown in some  Sauchiehall St. picture Hall. I have since heard a more reliable tale that picture hall in question was at the top of Millerston St near Duke street ... and the first one to shout Tongs Ya Bass was 'Cabey" ( first name withheld  )  who became known as 'Terror '  of the Tongs..... also the name of the film in question ........the title of the movie being " Terror of the Tongs"..... circa 1962......the rest is history.......As far as i am led to believe most of the original members where residents of the East side of Calton.......i.e......from Claythorn St.  to Mile-End.......I am also told by the man himself that' Tommy Burns of Celticfootballclub ' can count himself as a Tong member .............if you play football at St.Marys with the Big boys ......( and drink the odd carry -out     n attend  the local weekend partys)....well he,s a Tong.......

I am going to go back in time ( pre-original Tong ) to recall names that i have heard people referring to as hard characters..........

 'Snarler' Jimmy Lynn of Moir St.......'Sonny' Moms.-.the Lamp-lighter...( known to have battered James Kemp over the Napper with a full crate of beer bottles at a the City Halls in candle-riggs,,whilst helping his pal Hughie Logan, who was being bullied by Kemp who  was demanding money at the door of the Halls from Big Hughie ( a  lover , not a fighter) to get in ......Kemp was allegedly on the look out for 'MOMS'...........who could have been found any day or night in and around the calton .......nothing ever became of it...


Shug Robertson .........R.I.P

Terror of the Fishmarket.

 The screws in "PETERNAPPER" were delighted when Sportin Sam was finally back home in the Calton. Shug can be seen here in a rare side profile.
Nasty Norman..a.k.a.. Shorty McCue
 Dual nationality .Note the way the head tilts to the side,,,,,,,AW naw wee man....Son of a famous fighting family the.. McCues of Anderston. "Shorty" imfamous for knocking out his victims when they blinked....thats what they get for blinkin' too much.
John "McGandie" Keatings........R.I.P

A.K.A..... 'Catholic Hands' Keatings,,,,,,

Correct me if i,m wrong , but i have been told that

'Cathlic hauns' was the man who took both Arthur Thomson and James Kemp to the Royal Inf.  ( In a taxi) to get stitched up after their famous Knife against each other, which took place at St.Andrews Lane ( Schipka Pass). Circa ...the late 50s

Barraland Ballroom

The Barraland........Scene of many a rabble.........

Pokey Turner
You win some you lose some.
Pokey Turner was never one to turn down a challenge.
Only kidden......

This chap could have a dash ,when required, but its' his Big Brother Billy Rose.... ( who we do not have a photo of ) happened to be a  European Kick-boxing Champion during the 80s'........ His younger brother  Steph Rose was also a top amatuer boxer........See , we have some honest scappers as well..