Once upon a time in Calton.....

Calton Chronicals

Calton Photos...

Calton Socialite Society...............

Calton Sports Stars

Calton Fighting Men

San Toi Re-united

Calton..Gone but not forgotten

Auld  Calton Toon..Photos

Calton Dames

Personal Tributes..James Lee

History of Calton

Calton Dames


The Calton as it once was...

Calton is the oldest part of Glasgow,

 as a matter of fact , Calton is where

 Glasgow began , just over 800 years ago,

Turnbull Street .. 1856..this is where the District court street is.
If you were to walk up this Street (you would probably get mugged), then you would pass by the modern day site of the district court ,moving towards the Saint Andrews church building that while i am on the subject is an utter disgrace that this biulding had Millions of public money spent on renovating it 3 times over a 20 yr. period, only to see it used as a private business...have they no shame..how many "Calton Clubs" would the money have made.........ANYWAY ,if you kept walking ,you would arrive at the London Road,or Great Hamilton Street as it was known then. I have read that the ancient "Old Cross of Glaschu" is buried somewhere along this route...
Photo taken from Charlotte st .corner
If you were standing at this spot May 2003, you would be looking at the Braemar bar , next to the shop that is converted into a gang hut for dodgy Turkish nationals, just where the local chap is crossing the London Rd. At the corner were the tram is passing is where The "General Stealer" or "Mad Buyer" used to be,Yir man who operated this greedy enterprise didn't do anyone any favours. ( apart from Big Ronnie when he was working there.) 
Glasgow cross is were the railway bridge crosses the street.

Bain st. looking towards the "Hoops Bar"..

It shouldn't be too dificult to picture the "Hoops Bar",

no sign of any  Juke-Box Republicans in this part of the Gallagate 1938.....

Bain st "Swings" and St. Lukes Church..
Many a Wean split thier heeds open over the years (ah' wiz wan).

A BANK in the Gallagate.. Once in use to meet the needs of the many thriving businesses in the Calton
This building is still standing today May 2003. Hopefully the planned "Re-Generation " in the Calton can take this fine structure into consideration...
The Barraland Ballroom...and the Cabin Vaults Bar..
1938... This "Barraland is obviously the re-built version
Bairds Bar can be seen in the distance...no sign of Tam Cad though..

The Barraland Ballroom.... 1935
This must have been the "Barraland" that was burned down .If it was ,then they didn't mess about waiting for the re-building...
The inside of the 1935 Barraland Ballroom ...60 years odd before Bible John emptied the pitch...
I'm puzzled as to which "Barraland" is which, i think this the one which burnt down ,if it was it definatly wasn't an insurance job due to the pristine condition...

Claythorn Street.. "Milky"..United Dairy depot..1928
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"Lynches"... The Auld Burnt Barns ..no sign of Big John or Shug -L..
Big John declares that the Auld Barns is the oldest pub in Glasgow....who is going to tell him any differant..By the way ,the guy from the Tolbooth Bar says his pub is the oldest, but so does the guy from the Black Bull in the High St.
I reckon it's The P.H.T...the Pool Hall Tongs...otherwise known as The Public House Trust ...get yir money out..