
Calton Chronicals

Calton Photos...

Calton Socialite Society...............

Calton Sports Stars

Calton Fighting Men

San Toi Re-united

Calton..Gone but not forgotten

Auld  Calton Toon..Photos

Calton Dames

Personal Tributes..James Lee

History of Calton

Calton Dames

This page is dedicated to players and teams who
have played for 'Real' Calton teams over the years

Faster ...Stronger...Better...
 The Sporting members

of this page..may not all

be borne and bred in Calton ....

..but the fact that they pulled on

a Calton good enough for me Tongs Ya Bass...

Calton F.C...Gorbals cup winners 1993/94

(top row) left to right.. Snowy McGill.. Chris McMillan..
Gerry Smythe.. Kevin "MAKA" McAnena. .Davy McDonald. .Eric Kielty... Stevey Bulloch..

(Front row).. left to right

..George Finnie. .Davy Moore. .Martin McAnena(physio)
..Johnny Colhoun. .Ricky Barton. .Martin Cassidy. .Steven "Speno" Spence..
.....last but not least ..the Fountain of Football.....
Gary B.......

David Bryce ......Not the founder of Calton Athletic...

On the right  are Derzo  and Gerry Rose ,, These two Caltonians were instrumental in the creation of 'Calton Athletic" organisation that was formed out of a Calton team who had been playing organised football matches in the calton and surrounding areas ( Gorbals etc.)... You have probably heard and read that Mr. David bryce single handedly created 'Calton Athletic"...... Not true ....ask Derzo or Gerry............. Or Joe Gorman. 


The supremacy of Calton football over their life-
long rivals from the Gorbals has been proven beyond
any doubt,,with emphatic victories...1991,92' the Caltonians hammered
the Pig n' Whistle F.C 3-0 in the first round
only to be eliminated from the competition because Eric Kielty's
hair was to long,(any excuse would have done them) the Pig n' Whistle f.c went
on to "win" a farsicle of a final, beating their
opponents 6-1, says it all really, I have
always declared that we were winners that year also.
In 1992,93' the "Tongs in Disguise" F.C ran riot
,winning in glorious fashion,and also having to
endure violence on the park and off.
In the competition the following year 1993,94'
the Calton team hammered all-comers again only to let a lesser team
win in the Semi-Final,,
over 30 games unbeaten, over a three year period, all away from home ,,
it's a pity that they built a swimming pool over my favorite pitch "ADELPHI" home from home. TONGS YA BASS
Real Calton... F.C ........ Circa 1989/90
(top row) left to right..  WOODY, Soo-Side Mercenary...   BIG JOE DIN ,never had a bad game...   BIG MARTIN MORRIS,stunt double for Mick McCarthy...  SAMMY "the Bull" WILSON, i'll always remember the 5 goals he rattled in during a cup game in Easterhouse,the boys were 2 -0 down with 2 minutes to go,then 2-1, 2-2 to take the game into extra time, sure enough ,bang bang bang, 5-2 thanks to Sammy, by the way his second goal was punched over the line.,  EDDIE KIMMONS,Craigends answer to Ian Durrant.  .BIG GEORGE  FINNIE the GOALIE, Liked a bit of Lurpak on his toast,George sadly had to retire early from the game,i'll never know how he managed to play for so long what with his chronic sciatica, and athritis in his left pinky n' that.( front row) left to right..STEVEN HANNAH,fresh from the Shona McPherson school of Watterside Maestros...JOHNNY THOMPSON,"tried his best"... RICKY BARTON ,Jimmy the Janny picked him for his all time Caltonians who played for St Marys under 21s..  .PAUL TIERNEY, Gorbals cup comeback king,(once a member of the Cumbie)..MASCOT, LEE TIERNEY,inhereted his fathers natural skill but aquired his composite skills from "The Fountain of Football" i.e GARY B,Knows everything about football,,,,,apart from how to play it..BIG DAVY McDONALD, would qualify to play for my all time team,"the Gazelle", PS  Big Davy isnt to fond of his Nom de plume ........... So I will have to rename him ............ MA BAW McDONALD.....  Anytime we were ever losing a game Big Davy would get hold of the ball from his 'Sweeper' position and waltz past whoever was in his way ....then blast a shot into the top corner......  
GEORGE FINNIE the Goalkeeper
Big George did his bit for the Sunday league teams,
but couldn't handle the Glamour friendlys,played over 100 games,let in over 200 goals ,
career cut short through minor injuries and
because it was raining quite a lot.
Real Calton F.C
 Real Calton....F.C......(top row) left to right..Woody (again)..BIG DAVY MCDONALD..KEVIN "MAKA" McANENA,,Caltonian or SooSider, Kevin proved this beyond all doubt when he led the Caltonians to victory in the 1993 Gorbals cup..BIG MARTIN MORRIS ..YOUNG GERRY the GOALIE,did his bit..PAUL TIERNEY..(Front row)..left to right..RAB ?, Rab borrowed the Argentina strips and forgot to return them,it's never too late Rab...BIG GEORGE ,everpresent....Behind the Mascot is "SPENO",don't forget that name, STEPHEN SPENCE aka "The Cat" our best ever goalkeeper,ask any body who watched the Gorbals cup games around 91,92,93...The Mascot "Lees Pal"...JOHNNY THOMPSON....RICKY B AND LEE...Last but not least DAVID NICHOL,The "David" is pronounced the same as GINOLAS,,both are quite simular players.
Calton F.C sponsored by James McGinn of " McGinn Metals"
(top row) lef to right ..Malcolm Cambell..John Lynch..Tam Gorman..Gary Barton...John Lappin...Davy "DC" Cameron...Joe Gorman...Joe Din...Steven Din..Martin McAnena..(front row) left to right..Ricky Barton...Edda Clark...Ronnie "Rooster" Goldie...Andy Hewitt...Hughie o' Niel...Tam McClafferty..
David ( same pronunciation as Ginola) Moore

 Rare photo of the always late Davy Moore

Schipka Pass Tongs

What a team ...........Rooster .. Andy H ..Peter Sands..Eddie C...  James KC.....Jim C...

(Right)....Calton F.C, Chairman Franky Hughes
tries to off-load star striker Gary B.

Deal falls through as Celticfootballclub find out player is shite.
Calton Junior Stars
Stevey Bullock,, Ricky Barton,, Big Davy McDonald
The lads sign for Muirkirk J.F.C,   Ayrshires finest.
Image title would go here.
These are a few of my favorite photographs from my different travels. Feel free to browse them as you like. If you want one click your right mouse button and choose "Save As" from the menu.
Real Calton F.C 1977
(top row ) left to right ...Eddie"Eggman"Calder..."Craigie" McCrae...Jim Clark (keepin' the clock)...Brian "Saltmarket Coaky" Cochrane...This next guy i'm not sure of his name,let me know...Peter"Sandsy" Sands...Big Martin Morris, remember the big yin from other team photos, "Stunt double for Mick McCarthy"...(Front row).left to right...Robert "Barnie" Barnes...James "KC" Casey..."Edda" Clark...Andy Hewitt..."Jimmox" McGinn...Ronnie "Rooster" Goldie...
A Young Malcolm Campbell of Salmarket

This slot will be given a new player profile on a weekly basis. so ,send in you photo if you want to be included.